Joana Mas Editor

Helene Cixous is Director of the Centre d'Etudes Feminines at Universite Paris VIII, Emerita. one of the foremost intellectuals and creative writers in France, and a major figure in the emergence and global spread of postmodern literary theory, late-20th-century Continental Thought, and Women's Studies. She is the author of more than 40 novels, 14 plays and 15 volumes of theory and essays. Her work has been translated into more than 20 languages, including Japanese, Korean, Hindi and Urdu. Marta Segarra is Professor of French literature and Gender Studies, and director of the Centre Women and Literature at the University of Barcelona (Spain). She specializes in French and Francophone contemporary literature, deconstruction and feminist theory, and postcolonial studies. Her most recent books are: Demenageries. Thinking (of) Animals after Derrida (co-ed. A.E. Berger, 2011), Nouvelles romancieres francophones du Maghreb (2010), The Portable Cixous (ed., 2010), Traces du desir (2008). Joana Maso is Assistant Professor at the University of Barcelona and Associate Scholar at the Centre Women and Literature. She has translated into Spanish texts by Helene Cixous, Jacques Derrida, Catherine Malabou, Jean-Luc Marion and Jean-Luc Nancy. She has edited the following books on or by Helene Cixous: Cixous sous X (with M.-D. Garnier, 2010), Peinetures. Ecrits sur l'art (with M. Segarra, Paris, 2010) and its Spanish translation, Poetas en pintura. Escritos sobre arte de Rembrandt a Nancy Spero (2010) and La llengua m'es l'unic refugi (ed., 2009).