Joan DeJaeghere Author & Editor

Joan DeJaeghere is a Professor of Comparative and International Development Education in the Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development at the University of Minnesota. Her scholarly work and professional practice are concerned with how inequities are produced and transformed in and through education, using a critical capability approach to foster justice-enhancing possibilities. The different strands of her research examine gender, caste, class and ethnic inequalities in education, and how education (both schooling and non-formal) can foster inclusive citizenship. Dr. DeJaeghere has published 2 books, including Educating entrepreneurial citizens:  Neoliberalism and youth livelihoods in Tanzania (Routledge, 2017) and Education and youth agency (Springer, 2016). She has been the principal or co-principal investigator of several longitudinal (qualitative and mixed-methods) research projects of education and youth livelihoods (East Africa), life skills and girls' educational engagement (India), and women's empowerment and livelihoods (Vietnam). Her work has been used to inform educational practices by governments, non-governmental organizations, and international donors.

Erin Murphy-Graham is an Associate Adjunct Professor at the Graduate School of Education, University of California, Berkeley, where she teaches courses in research methods, international development, and globalization and education. Her research focuses on three inter-related areas: 1) the process by which education can foster the empowerment of girls and women, and the theorization of what empowerment entails; 2) the role of education in changing how students relate to others, particularly in their intimate relationships and in building trust; 3) the rigorous evaluation of educational programs that have demonstrated potential to empower youth and adults in Latin America. She is currently engaged in a design-based research project to prevent child marriage in Honduras, and has a longstanding research program on the innovative secondary education system Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial (Tutorial Learning System or SAT).