Joacim Andersson Author

Joacim Andersson is Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and Örebro University, Sweden. He is a member of the research environment Studies in Meaning-making and Educational Discourse (SMED) and combines pragmatism philosophy with sociological body theory in his study of education.
Leif Östman is Professor of Curriculum Studies at Uppsala University, Sweden. He is one of the founders and director of the research group SMED. He has published widely in diverse fields as curriculum theory and history, science education, environmental and sustainability education, and body pedagogics. 
Jim Garrison is Professor of Philosophy of Education at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. He is a Chancellors Visiting Professor at Uppsala University, Sweden for 2014-2018. He is a past-president of the Philosophy of Education Society and the John Dewey Society. His books and papers appear in nine different languages.