Joachim Göhlmann Author

Jürgen Grünberg, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing., studied civil engineering at the Technical University Berlin and at the University Hannover where he gained his doctorate from. Following eight years as project manager at HOCHTIEF AG and at IMS, Ingenieurgemeinschaft Meerestechnik und Seebau, since 1983 as consulting engineer and since 1986 as test engineer for structural engineering, he became professor for concrete construction at the University Hannover in 1993. Already since 1980 he deals with design and construction of offshore structures, telecommunication towers and later on of wind turbine towers. Professor Grünberg is a member of numerous national and international expert commissions in the fields of reinforced concrete and the author of a large number of books and articles.

Joachim Göhlmann, Dr.-Ing., studied structural engineering at the Leibniz University Hannover where he completed his doctorate with the doctorate thesis ?Damage calculation of concrete constructions for wind turbines subjected to multi-stage and multi-axial fatigue loading?.
Dr. Göhlmann has been involved with the design, manufacture and measurement of towers and foundations for wind turbines for over 13 years. Since 2010 he has been managing director at grbv Ingenieure im Bauwesen GmbH in Hannover, Germany. grbv is an independent planning and consulting company for structural design of towers and support structures for on- and offshore wind farms.