Jinli Cao Author

Hua Wang

Hua is now a full time Professor in ISILC at Victoria University.  Hua has more than ten years teaching and working experience in Applied Informatics at both enterprise and university. He has expertise in Big Data, Health Informatics, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, and Artificial Intelligence. As a Chief Investigator, Hua has successfully received six in total Australian Research Council (ARC) grants including four  Discovery grants and two Linkage grants with 2.3M since 2006. He is also a successor for international grants such as  two Japan – Australian grants, one German – Australian grant, one Norway Government grant and grants from Hong Kong Chinese University, Hong Kong City University.


Hua has published 232 refereed scholar papers including 46 Q1 (ERA2015 ranked) Journal papers in cyber security, Artificial Intelligence, data mining, database, privacy preserving and Web services. Representative publications are on ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering and World Wide Web; and Proceedings of ACL, AAAI, CIKM, ICDE, ICDM and PAKDD (https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=U7B_FmYAAAAJ&hl=en). Hua’s h-index is 34 based on Google Scholar website. As a principal supervisor, he currently has 14 PhD students at VU and has successfully supervised 7 PhD students.


Yanchun Zhang


Yanchun Zhang is a Professor of Computer Science at Victoria University, Australia. Dr. Zhang obtained a PhD degree in Computer Science from The University of Queensland in 1991. His research interests include databases, data mining, web services and e-health. He has published over 300 research papers in international journals and conference proceedings including ACM Transactions on Computer and Human Interaction (TOCHI), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), VLDBJ, SIGMOD and ICDE conferences, and a dozen of books and journal special issues in the related areas.  Dr. Zhang is a founding editor and editor-in-chief of World Wide Web Journal (Springer) and Health Information Science and Systems Journal (Springer), and also the founding editor of Web Information Systems Engineering Book Series and Health Information Science Book Series. He is Chairman of International Web information Systems Engineering Society (WISE).


His research has been supported by various competitive funding, including 7 prestigious ARC Discovery and ARC Linkage Projects. In addition to high quality research output/publications (in Pattern Recognition, IEEE TKDE, Information Systems, JCSS, etc), Prof Zhang has made strong impact through his leadership in applied research and collaborations with government and industry organizations such as World Health Organization and Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services, Australian e-Health Research Centre. Their multidisciplinary research into e-health in collaboration with World Health Organization and Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services have produced software systems and mapping tools to help the government/industry organizations establish health needs, allowing it to base policy on firm evidence. Representative work on gait classification in children with cerebral palsy is published in Pattern Recognition (2009, ERA A*). Recent collaborations with World Health Organisation (WHO) and Tasmania Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) have produced several software systems adopted by WHO and Tasmania DHHS.


Jinli Cao

Dr. Cao has been a full-time senior lecturer at department of computer science and Information technology, La Trobe University, Australia. Dr Cao is an active researcher in the evolutionary fields of computer science, data engineering and information systems. such as Data security, privacy protection, Data quality, Big data analytics, Cloud computing, Recommendation Systems, Query Mining, Reliable queries in uncertain databases, Top-k query ranking and Decision supporting systems.  She has successfully supervised 9 PhD graduates who have been employed by universities in Australian and overseas. Many of her Honours and Master graduates have been employed by top industries such as Oracle, Unisys, Computer Sciences Corporation, National Australia Bank and Commonwealth bank, etc.   


Dr. Cao has published over 107 research papers in international journals and conferences such as IEEE Trans. on Distributed and Parallel Processing, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Information Sciences, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, and the top conferences such as WWW, WISE, CAiSE , DASFAA, GECCO, IJCNN etc.  Dr Cao has been serving continually for professional research communities. She has been contributing many related professional research communities. She has been nominated as the 'expert of international standing' for accessing Australian Research Council (ARC) Grant since 2006 to the present.  She has served a number of International journals, and international conferences as the reviewer and the PC member. Dr Cao was a Guest Editor for Special Issue on: "Multimedia Data Applications in Wireless sensor networks" of International Journal of Sensor Networks in 2011.