Seeds on Ice
2 authors - Hardback
Edward Alan Glasper is a children's and young people's nurse with longstanding interests in healthcare for children. Lately, his interests have focused primarily on measuring how children's hospitals and units comply with policy recommendations pertinent to the care of sick children and their families. In this respect I he has an interest in designing policy audit tools aligned with contemporary government and professional body polices. Alan is the former consultant editor of The Journal of Children's and Young People's nursing .He was appointed as the Foundation Professor of Nursing at The University of Southampton in 1991. Alan writes extensively on the subject of children's nursing and has edited a range of contemporary text books and has published over 200 scholarly papers. Alan is curently the editor in chief of Issues In Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing. Gillian McEwing has recently retired from her position as Lecturer in Child Nursing at the University of Plymouth, specialising in management and leadership in children's nursing, chronic illness and children's understanding of illness and communication. Jim Richardson undertook postgraduate nurse education at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Scotland in 1979. He went on to work in neurology, paediatric anaesthetics and paediatric surgery at the Oulu University Hospital in Finland for eight years. After obtaining a qualification in children's nursing at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, Jim moved into a head nurse post at a paediatric medical unit at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff. Following this, he commenced his teaching career at the University of Wales' College of Medicine, where he delivered the four- year bachelor of (children's) Nursing degree for over nine years. During this period, Jim was also awarded a PhD degree, which was followed by fourteen years at the University of Glamorgan, where he managed the provision in children's nursing, child welfare, midwifery, learning disability nursing and diagnostic ultrasound. He is currently senior lecturer at Kingston University and St George's, Univeristy of London