Handbook on Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor, Ad Hoc Wireless, and Peer-to-Peer Networks
Jie Wu - Hardback
Michitaka Kosaka received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Mathematics and Physics from Kyoto University, Japan, in 1977 and 1984, respectively. He is currently an Emeritus Professor of JAIST (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) and a Guest Professor of Fudan University (China). He had been with Hitachi Ltd. for 31 years, especially with Systems Development Laboratory, where he was a General Manager from 2001 to 2005. Then, he joined in JAIST in 2008, where he was a Dean of School of Knowledge Science from 2011 to 2014. He retired from JAIST in March 2018. His research covers business innovation, financial information systems, R&D management, knowledge science, and service science. He is a fellow of IEEJ, a fellow of SICE, and members of several institutes in Japan.
Jie Wu received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Fudan University, Japan, in 1996, 1999, and 2008, respectively. He is currently a Professor at Fudan University (China). He is also the Director of Research Engineering Center of Network Security for the Ministry of Education. Dr. Wu's research interests are in computer networks and security. His current work focuses on cloud computing, SDN/NFV, and system security. His work has been featured on many real mission-critical application systems. His research is supported by various sources, including the National 863 Program, Shanghai Science & Technology Program, etc. Dr. Wu is the recipient of the 1st class of Shanghai Science& Technology Progress Award.
Dr. Ke Xing is a Senior Lecturer and a Program Director at the School of Engineering, University of South Australia. He served as a member of Professional Development Committee at Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society (ALCAS) and is a standing committee member of Ecological Development Union International (EDUI) (Australia) (2011 to date). In his academic career, Dr. Xing is particularly dedicated to incorporate social, economic, and environmental perspectives into tertiary engineering education and training programs to prepare graduates to become professional engineers with specialized knowledge and skills for achieving sustainability in engineering practice. In his research, he also has extensive projects and publications in the areas of resource-efficient product and service innovation, sustainable industry and community transformation, and low-carbon urban precinct system modeling. To date, he has authored over 80 research publications in books, refereed journals, and international conference proceedings.
Professor Shiyong Zhang is a Professor at the Computer Science School of Fudan University, China. He once worked at British Telecom and British National Computer Center in 1988 and 1993 separately, undertaking conformance testing research as a Visiting Scholar. He also took a short- term advanced information management training class at Stony Brook in USA in 1997. His research focuses on computer networks, its application, security, testing, and evolution. He has published more than 200 papers on core journals, and about 20 books individually or with colleagues. About 20 awards were honored to Prof. Zhang in the light of his achievements in ICT field in China, such as twice the 2nd Prize of Sciences & Technology Advance at China National level, once the 1st Prize of Sciences and Technology Advance at Ministry level, and a few times the 1st Prize of Sciences and Technology Advance by Shanghai Municipal Government. Prof. Zhang founded an IT company called Fudan GrandHorizon in 1998, and acted as the General Manager for 10 years. By which experience he knows well how to transfer the new ICT innovation to company services products.