Jianxiao Wang Author

Jianxiao Wang

Assistant Professor in School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at North China Electric Power University

Project Manager in Ministry of Science and Technology of China

IEEE Member

Standing Director and Secretary of IEEE PES China Conference Committee

Standing Director of IEEE PES China Power Market Subcommittee

Associate Editor of IET Renewable Power Generation

Associate Editor of IET Energy Conversion and Economics

Guest Editor of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

Member of Youth Committee of China Electrotechnical Society

Member of Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering

Member of China Energy Research Society

Member of IEEE Smart Buildings, Loads and Customer Systems Committee

Member of IEEE Working Group on IoT Technologies for Distributed Resources in a Clean Energy System

Research interests: Electricity Market and Mechanism Design, Hydrogen Supply Chain, Energy Storage, Renewable-powered Smart Grid and Data Analytics.

Multi-Energy and Cyber Physical System Planning, Data Analytics for Smart Grid


Haiwang Zhong

Associate Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University

IEEE Senior Member

Editor of International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems

Subject Editor of Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy

Editor of CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems

Co-Chair of IEEE Working Group on Demand Response

Secretary of IEEE Smart Buildings, Loads and Customer Systems Committee, Architecture Subcommittee

Secretary of CIGRE D2.53 Working Group on Technology and Application of Internet of Things in Power Systems

Research interests: Energy Internet, Smart Grid, Electricity Market, Power System Operations, Demand Response, Renewable Energy


Qing Xia

Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University

IEEE Senior Member

Senior Member of Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering

Director of Energy Internet Research Institute of Tsinghua University

Consulting Expert on Electric Power Industry Reform of National Development and Reform Commission

Consulting Expert on Energy Resource Planning of National Energy Administration

Director of China Energy Research Society

Director of Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering

Editor of Automation of Electric Power Systems

Research interests: Power Economics and Electricity market, Power System Load Forecasting, Power System Economic Operation, Generation & Transmission Expansion Planning, Optimization Application in Power Systems

Gengyin Li

Professor in School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at North China Electric Power University

IEEE Member

Senior Member of Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering

Director of Beijing Energy and Power Information Security Engineering Technology Research Center

Research interests: Power System Analysis and Control, HVDC Transmission, Power Quality, Power System Economics and Emerging Transmission and Distribution Technologies

Ming Zhou

Professor in School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at North China Electric Power University

IEEE Senior Member

Director of Power System Research Institute at North China Electric Power University

Research interests: Renewables Power System Planning and Operation, Power System Economics, Energy Storage