Modern Permanent Magnet Electric Machines
2 authors - Hardback
Jian-Xin Shen is a Professor of Electrical Engineering with Zhejiang University, and currently is the Deputy Dean of the College of Electrical Engineering. He was a Visiting Professor at EPFL, Switzerland in 2016. He is a Fellow of IET, Senior Member of IEEE, and Senior Member of China Electrotechnology Society (CES). He is a Member of IEEE Nikola Tesla Award Committee (2018-2020), Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE VTS (2018-2020), and Member-at-Large of IEEE IAS (2019-2020). He is the Vice Director and academic co-leader of the Chinese National Research Centre of Precision and Special Electric Machines, and the Director of the Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Electrical Machine Systems. He is a member of the Chinese National Technical Committee for Rotary Electrical Machines Standardization, and the Chair of the Zhejiang Provincial Technical Committee for Electrical Machines Standardization. He was the General Chair of three IEEE sponsored or co-sponsored international conferences, and a keynote speaker of six International Conferences.
Jacek F. Gieras is affiliated with United Technology Corporation, U.S.A., most recently with UTC Aerospace Systems Applied Research. He is a Fellow of IEEE , USA, UTC Aerospace Systems Fellow , USA, Full Member of International Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences, and member of Steering Committees of numerous international conferences. He is cited by Who's Who in the World, Marquis, USA, 1995 - 2018, Who's Who in Science and Technology, Marquis, USA, 1996 – 2019, Who's Who in Finance and Industry, Marquis, USA, 1998 - 2019, Who’s Who in America, 2000 - 2019, and many other dictionaries of international biographies.