The Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis
Ugo Foscolo - Paperback
Leonardo da Vinci - Paperback
Boccaccio - Paperback
Rime: Dual Language and New Verse Translation
Dante Alighieri - Paperback
Letters from London and Europe
Gioacchino Tomasi Lampedusa - Paperback
Sepulchres and Other Poems: Dual Language
The Life of Castruccio Castracani
Niccolo Machiavelli - Paperback
A Perfect Hoax
Italo Svevo - Paperback
Beowulf: Dual Language and New Verse Translation
JG Nichols - Paperback
Inferno: Dual Language and New Verse Translation
Francesco Petrarch - Paperback
Life in the Country
Giovanni Verga - Paperback
Love Poems
Moral Fables
Giacomo Leopardi - Paperback
The Duel
Casanova - Paperback