Jessica Q Stark Author

Jessica Q. Stark is the author of two full-length poetry manuscripts as well as four poetry chapbooks, including her most recent RENDER (2022). Stark’s first poetry manuscript, The Liminal Parade, was selected by Dorothea Lasky for the Double Take Grand Prize in 2016 and her full length poetry collection titled, Savage Pageant was named one of the “Best Books of 2020” in The Boston Globe and in Hyperallergic. Her poetry has most recently appeared or is forthcoming in Best American Poetry, Poetry Society of America, Pleiades, Carolina Quarterly, Poetry Daily, The Southeast Review, Verse Daily, and Tupelo Quarterly. Stark is a California-native, mixed race Vietnamese American poet, editor, and educator that lives in Jacksonville, Florida. She holds a BA from UC Berkeley and dual MA Degrees in English Literature and Cultural Studies from Saint Louis University’s Madrid Campus. She received her PhD in English from Duke University. She currently serves as a Poetry Editor for AGNI and the Hybrid Editor for Honey Literary.