Jessica Geraldo Schwengber Editor & Author

Josef Wieland is a Professor of Institutional Economics, Organizational Governance, Integrity Management, and Transcultural Leadership at Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen (Germany) and Director of the Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin (LEIZ). His research focuses on Relational Economics & Corporate Governance, Values & Strategic Stakeholder Management, Leadership & Cultural Complexity.

Stefan Linder is a Professor and Co-Head of the Accounting and Management Control Department at ESSEC Business School in Paris (France). He studies the relations among management control, entrepreneurship, and well-being and has published, among others, in the European Accounting Review, Journal of Business Ethics, and Journal of Management.

Jessica Geraldo Schwengber is a post-doc researcher and lecturer at the chair of Institutional Economics and Transcultural Leadership at Zeppelin University (Germany) and project manager of the Transcultural Caravan at leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin (LEIZ). Her research focuses on organizational and transcultural learning, organization theory and relational economic, inter alia.

Adrián Zicari is a Teaching Professor in the Accounting and Management Control Department at ESSEC Business School in Paris (France). His research interests include measurement systems in sustainability. His work appears in several academic journals: Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Cleaner Production, and Social and Environmental Accountability Journal.