Voices, Languages, Discourses
7 contributors - Paperback
Ana Mafalda Leite is professor of African literature at the University of Lisbon. Her areas of research include Mozambican literature, African cultures and literatures in the Portuguese language, oral literature and postcolonial studies. Her recent publications include Oralidades & Escritas Pós-Coloniais (2012).
Sheila Khan is a researcher at the Centre for Research in Social Sciences at the University of Minho. Her publications include The Lusotropical Tempest: Postcolonial Debates in Portuguese (2012) and Imigrantes Africanos Moçambicanos: Narrativa de Imigração e de Identidade e Estratégias de Aculturação em Portugal e na Inglaterra (2009).
Jessica Falconi is a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra and lectures in Portuguese literature at the University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’. Her doctoral thesis was published in Italy under the title of Utopia e conflittualità: Ilha de Moçambique nella poesia mozambicana contemporanea (2008).
Kamila Krakowska is working towards her doctorate in Brazilian and Mozambican literature at the University of Coimbra, having previously studied at the University of Wrocław. She has published articles on national identity in the work of Mário de Andrade and Mia Couto.