Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Volume 41, 2021
3 contributors - Paperback
Jessica A. Kelley, PhD, is professor and director of the graduate program, Department of Sociology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Kelley studies the causes and consequences of health disparities over the life course, particularly those related to race, socioeconomic status, and disability. She has expertise in the quantitative analysis of longitudinal and panel data, including latent trajectories and multilevel modeling. Her recent research has focused on: life course influences on later-life functional disparities among Black and White adults; how cohort trends and social change affect later-life health profiles; social influences on the experience of disability; neighborhoods and social exclusion of older adults.
Dr. Kelley currently serves as co-editor (with Dr. Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., of Johns Hopkins School of Public Health) of the series Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics. She is also Associate Editor of Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences and serves on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Aging and Health, Research on Aging, and Journal of Aging and Social Policy. Jessica currently serves on the Advisory Board for the Resource Center for Minority Data at ICPSR. She also recently completed terms as Chair of the Section on Aging and the Life Course in the American Sociological Association and Member-at-Large for the Behavioral and Social Sciences section of the Gerontological Society of America.