Brave Like Fireweed
Jesse White - Hardback
Jonathan Baier is an emerging technology leader living in Brooklyn, New York. He has had a passion for technology since an early age. When he was 14 years old, he was so interested in the family computer (an IBM PCjr) that he pored over the several hundred pages of BASIC and DOS manuals. Then, he taught himself to code a very poorly-written version of Tic-Tac-Toe. During his teenage years, he started a computer support business. Throughout his life, he has dabbled in entrepreneurship. He currently works as Senior Vice President of Cloud Engineering and Operations for Moody's corporation in New York. Jesse White is a 15-year veteran and technology leader in New York City's very own Silicon Alley, where he is a pillar of the vibrant engineering ecosystem. As founder of DockerNYC and an active participant in the open source community, you can find Jesse at a number of leading industry events, including DockerCon and VelocityConf, giving talks and workshops.