Behind the Bill of Rights
2 authors - Paperback
Jeremy Nelson is the metadata and systems librarian at Colorado College, a 4-year private liberal arts college in Colorado Springs. In addition to working 8 hours a week on the library's research helpdesk, providing information literacy instructions to undergraduates, and supervising the library's systems and cataloguing departments, Nelson is actively researching and developing various components and open source tools in the Catalog Pull Platform for use by Colorado College, the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries Consortium, and the Library of Congress. He is also co-founder and CTO of KnowledgeLinks.io, a semantic web startup. His previous library experience includes jobs at Western State Colorado University and the University of Utah. Prior to becoming a librarian, he worked as programmer and project manager at various software companies and financial services institutions. His first book, Becoming a Lean Library, published in 2015, applies lean startup and lean manufacturing ideas to libraries and library operations. Nelson's undergraduate degree is from Knox College and his master's of science in library and information science is from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.