Jeremy Alden Editor

Neil Adams is Senior Lecturer in Spatial Planning at London South Bank University, UK, and his main interests are European spatial planning at the supra-national, national and regional level. He was previously employed as a consultant based in Brussels and has extensive experience of regional development and spatial planning at national, regional and local levels in the Baltic States. Neil was also Project Co-ordinator for the Interreg IIIc GRIDS project that provided the inspiration for this book. Jeremy Alden is Professor of International Planning Studies in the School of City and Regional Planning at Cardiff University, Wales, U.K. He is Lead Partner for the INTERREG IIIc project on regional development and spatial planning sponsored by the European Commission during 2004-5. He has published widely on regional development and spatial planning issues in the European Union. Neil Harris is lecturer in Planning at the School of City and Regional Planning in Cardiff University. His interests cover the statutory planning system and new approaches to the development of spatial plans in Britain at the national and regional scales. He has advised the Welsh Assembly Government on its approach to the preparation of a national spatial planning framework.