Jens Damm Editor

Jens Damm is an Assistant Professor, currently affiliated to the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Studies, Chang Jung University, Tainan. He is also an Associate Fellow at the European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT) at Tuebingen University and a board member of the European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS). His research is mainly focused on discourses on gender and ethnicity-related issues in Taiwan, Greater China including the PRC, and on the impact of new communication technologies. He is the author of Homosexuality and Society in Taiwan: 1945 to 1995 (2003) and has edited Chinese Cyberspaces (Routledge 2006, co-edited with Simona Thomas), Postmodern China (LIT 2008, co-edited with Andreas Steen), Taiwanese Identity from Domestic, Regional and Global Perspectives (LIT 2007, co-edited with Gunter Schubert), and China Networks (LIT 2009, co-edited with Mechthild Leutner).

Gunter Schubert is Professor of Greater China Studies at the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Tuebingen. He is also the Director of the Tuebingen-based European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT). Professor Schubert specializes in the politics and society of the Greater China region, cross-Strait relations and integration, and local governance reform in the PRC. He has also published on human rights development in East Asia and Chinese nationalism. His most recent book publications are Politische Partizipation und Regimelegitimität in der VR China: Der ländliche Raum (Political participation and regime legitimacy in the PRC: rural China) (VS Verlag 2009, co-written with Thomas Heberer) and Regime Legitimacy in Contemporary China: Institutional Change and Stability (Routledge 2009, co-edited with Thomas Heberer).