Jenny Helin Editor

Jenny Helin has a post doctoral position at Uppsala University, Sweden. Her research interests lie at the intersection of process philosophy and dialogue. She explores collaborative research practices mainly in the field of family owned businesses. Tor Hernes is a professor of organization theory at Copenhagen Business School and Vestfold University College, Norway, where he teaches and carries out research on process thinking and organization. He has published about a dozen books as well as process related articles in top tier European and American journals. Among his latest books is A Process Theory of Organization, also published by Oxford University Press, in which a temporality based theoretical framework is developed for organizing 'a world on the move'. Daniel Hjorth is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Organisation at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. He is Academic Director for the across CBS Entrepreneurship Business in Society Platform. His latest books include The Politics and Aesthetics of Entrepreneurship (2009), edited with Chris Steyaert, and the Handbook of Organisational Entrepreneurship (2012) . Robin Holt is Professor at the University of Liverpool Management School. He is also Visiting Professor at the Copenhagen Business School. He has previously worked in departments of politics and philosophy, as well as business and management, at a number of UK universities such as Southampton, Bath, Manchester Met, and Leeds. He is editor of Organization Studies.