Rapid Guide to Hazardous Air Pollutants
3 authors - Paperback
Howard J. Beim is Professor of Chemistry at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, New York. He has lectured and served as a contributing author on several books addressing chemistry of hazardous materials, hazardous material transportation regulations, remediation, and legal aspects of worker's right-to-know regulations. Jennifer Spero is an engineer at Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. in the air/environmental group involved in investigating, controlling, and reducing odor and hazardous air pollutant emissions. She is also a recent contributor to the Van Nostrand Reinhold text Engineering and Environmental Ethics (1998). Louis Theodore is Pr## Riverdale, New York. H## to academia and indust# management. Among D## Pollution Control and # Facilities (Van Nostran## Nostrand Reinhold 1992##