Jennifer Pickering Author

James McTaggart has been an educational psychologist since 2006, with specialisms in early childhood and also in psychological trauma. He is highly engaged at a national level, in providing advice on policy and developments in early education and applied psychology, for example as one of the writers of Scotland’s early years practice guidance. He has worked with many children, teachers, practitioners and families facing literacy challenges, as well as health visitors and midwives promoting very early development and mental health. But the highlight of his career has been working with his fellow authors to make their wide range of expertise available and practical in the classroom or playroom to support literacy learning for everyone.

James Cook is a teacher in primary schools in the Highlands of Scotland, he developed a passion for the teaching of literacy, language and communication, becoming the literacy curriculum leader within his school before taking a literacy improvement role for the whole local authority from 2014. This developed into a strategic responsibility across the Northern Alliance Regional Improvement Collaborative of 8 local authorities for literacy, language and communication. James is currently the Head Teacher of a primary school and early years setting in the Highlands.

Rebecca Castelo is a Speech and Language Therapist. Graduating from University College London in 2007, Rebecca has worked in both England and Scotland. She is passionate about blurring the boundaries between professions, collaboration and coproduction. She was involved in the Emerging Literacy work whilst in her specialist role for universal intervention; supporting educators on developing language rich environments. Normally confined to the limitations of working with individuals, creating the Emerging Literacy work has enabled a truly developmental approach that has touched the lives of hundreds of children. Always learning and sharing, a confident public speaker with an unrelenting curiosity for others. An avid lover of nature and the great outdoors, wife and mother to two young children.

Jennifer Pickering is an occupational therapist, who has specialised in paediatrics since completing her postgraduate diploma at Bangor University. Following this, Jennifer has had a variety of roles, including in London, Sydney and the tropics. Settling in the Highlands, Jennifer supports young people with a wide range of additional support needs to overcome occupational challenges. Jennifer has a special interest in supporting those with neurodevelopmental conditions and coordination difficulties to use meta-cognitive approaches to improve their daily life.