2 authors - Hardback
Dana Lynne Andersen, M.A., is a multi media artist, writer and teacher with degrees in philosophy and consciousness studies. Her fine art seeks to reveal Being in the midst of Becoming, and to express the intelligence that swirls in energy and congeals into matter. She believes that as our "depth perception" expands outwardly (billions of galaxies have been discovered in our lifetime!) it is crucial to also expand inwardly. She is the founder of Awakening Arts Institute, nurturing a global network of artists through retreats, traveling workshops, exhibitions, and a small fine arts press. Workshop information and prints of the artwork in this book are available from awakeningarts.com
Jennifer Morgan's work as a storyteller, author, educator and environmental advocate flows out of her love of the natural world and cosmology. She holds a degree in theology from the University of San Francisco. To learn science, she took courses at Princeton University and worked with cosmologists, biologists, and anthropologists. Her storytelling evolved from bedtime stories for her son who wanted to know more and more, even the texture of the edge of the Universe. She believes that our cosmology stories fundamentally shape us—our relationships, our work, our play, our culture, our institutions, our everything. Information about her programs and other books is available at www.UniverseStories.com