Jennifer Moon Author

Jennifer Moon has worked in education, health and professional development in higher education. In recent years, her focus has been on pedagogy, with an interest in how humans learn (reflective learning, critical thinking, the learning of non-traditional students etc). She worked for five years on educational development at the University of Exeter and now has a part time post as a senior lecturer (research) at Bournemouth University in the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice. Jenny also runs workshops at universities over the UK, Ireland and abroad. She is a Consultant for Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development. She covers a range of topics that are related to learning, teaching and assessment processes. These include reflective learning, the use of learning journals to support learning and professional development, programme and module structure and the effective running of short courses and workshops, critical thinking, the learning of students with non-traditional backgrounds, and issues in cheating and plagiarism, academic assertiveness and the role of story in higher education. In 2006, she gained a National Teaching Fellowship. Jennifer has published a number of books, and many papers, reports and articles.