Jennifer Maidman Editor

Richard House, Ph.D., C.Psychol. is a Chartered Psychologist, an educational consultant, a political activist, and long-time campaigner on childhood issues and Steiner education. Formerly senior lecturer in psychotherapy (Roehampton University) and education studies (Winchester), a counsellor-psychotherapist and editor of Self & Society journal, his eleven previous books include Therapy Beyond Modernity (2003) and Too Much, Too Soon? – Early Learning and the Erosion of Childhood (2011).

David Kalisch, MA (Cantab), UKCP, UKAHPP (Aff. Memb.) is a psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer with nearly 30 years’ experience in gestalt, humanistic and core process therapies. David has been co-editor of Self & Society journal since 2011, and co-edited (along with Richard House and Jennifer Maidman) The Future of Humanistic Psychology (2013). He is Director of CHPC Training.

Jennifer Maidman, (Dip Couns, MBACP) is a British musician, singer, producer, and songwriter who has worked extensively with many well-known groups and artists, including Paul Brady, Van Morrison, Bonnie Raiit, Mark Knopfler, Robert Wyatt and Annie Whitehead. She was a key member of the Penguin Café Orchestra. She also trained as a humanistic counsellor with Noreen Emmans and Jimmy McGhee, and has written for Therapy Today, Asylum, and Self and Society. She co-edited The Future of Humanistic Psychology (PCCS, 2013) with Richard House and David Kalisch.