Historical GIS Research in Canada
2 contributors - Paperback
Jennifer Bonnell is an associate professor of History at York University and the author of Reclaiming the Don: An Environmental History of Toronto's Don River Valley, which won the Canadian Historical Association's Clio prize and Heritage Toronto's best book award. Her new book project explores the relationships between beekeeping, agricultural modernization, and environmental change in the Great Lakes Region. For more on her work, visit jenniferbonnell.com.
Sean Kheraj is an associate professor of Canadian and environmental history at York University. He is the author of Inventing Stanley Park: An Environmental History. He is also the director of the Network in Canadian History and Environment and producer of Nature's Past: Canadian Environmental History Podcast.
With Contributions By: Jennifer Bonnell, Colleen Campbell, Jason Colby, George Colpitts, J. Keri Cronin, Joanna Dean, Jody Hodgins, Dolly Jørgensen, Sean Kheraj, Tina Loo, Lindsay Stallones Marshall, Catherine McNeur, Susan Nance, Harriet Ritvo, Andrew Robichaud, Nigel Rothfels, Sandra Swart, Emily Wakild, and Jay Young