Jenna Bailey-Sirko Author

Jenna Bailey-Sirko has a Masters of Education from the University of New Brunswick and over ten years of experience in education. She began her teaching career in Clyde River, Nunavut, and now teaches in Ottawa, where she taught the only Inuit kindergarten class in southern Canada. Jenna has presented numerous workshops for educators in Ottawa and Nunavut on the use of Indigenous storytelling in math and received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal from the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples for her contributions to First Nation, Métis, and Inuit education. Amiel Sandland is an illustrator living in the Toronto area. He studied illustration at Seneca College, eventually specializing in comic arts and character design. He has also dabbled in layout, comics, and props making. Rarely found without a pen in hand, he enjoys drawing animals, monsters, and plants.