Turning points in history: Gr 10 - 12
4 authors - Hardback
Professor Jeff Guy is Emeritus Professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. He is well known and highly respected for his work on events and personalities associated with the history of colonial Natal and the neighbouring Zulu kingdom. This is the sixth book that Jeff Guy has written on his research in this area. Praise for his previous works range from comments such as `No historian of South Africa or imperialism should be without this splendid book’, for Destruction of the Zulu Kingdom, to `In this era of quick and transient analysis, it is good to read a true scholar’s interpretation of people and places he knows well’, said of The Maphumulo Uprising. It is these sentiments that also inform this story of Theophilus Shepstone and his remarkable but necessarily unsuccessful attempt to frustrate the processes of change in colonial south-east Africa.