Workbook/Laboratory Manual Dos Mundos: En breve
4 authors - Paperback
Magdalena Andrade received her first BA in Spanish and French and a second BA in English from California State University, San Diego. After teaching in the Calexico Unified School District Bilingual Program for several years, she taught elementary and intermediate Spanish at both San Diego State and the University of California, Irvine, where she also taught Spanish for Heritage Speakers and Humanities Core Courses. Upon receiving her PhD from the University of California, Irvine, she continued to teach there for several years and also at the University of California, Riverside, and California State University, Long Beach, where she taught the graduate foreign language methods courses and coordinated the Spanish and French TA Programs as well as the Credential Program for foreign languages. For several years she has taught at the community college level, but currently, she is taking time off from regular teaching to help dyslexic children hone their reading skills. She also tutors special-needs students taking college-level Spanish courses. Professor Andrade has coauthored the textbook Dos mundos: Comunicaciï¿n y comunidad and the readers Mundos de fantasï¿a: Fï¿bulas, cuentos de hadas y leyendas and Cocina y comidas hispanas (McGraw Hill). Jeanne Egassereceived her BA and MA in Spanish Linguistics from theï¿University of California, Irvine. She also holds California Credentials for Spanishï¿as well as for Bilingual Cross-Cultural Education. Professor Egasse has taughtï¿foreign-language methodology courses and introductory linguistics, and servedï¿as supervisor of foreign language and ESL teachers in training for theï¿Department of Education at the University of California, Irvine. From 1980 toï¿2020 she was a full-time professor of Spanish, coordinator of the Spanishï¿Department, and co-chair of World Languages at Irvine Valley College.ï¿Professor Egasse continues to offer online conversation groups for localï¿college students and volunteers for the Irvine Valley College Foundation. Inï¿addition, she serves as a consultant for local schools and colleges onï¿implementing the Natural Approach in the language classroom. She hasï¿coauthored the first-year college Spanish textbook Dos mundos: Comunicaciï¿nï¿y comunidad and the readers Cocina y comidas hispanas and Mundos deï¿fantasï¿a: Fï¿bulas, cuentos de hadas y leyendas (McGraw Hill). Elï¿as Miguel Muï¿ozholds a PhD in Spanish from the University of California, Irvine, and has taught language and literature at the university level. Dr. Muï¿oz is the author of Viajes fantï¿sticos and Ladrï¿n de la mente, titles in the Storytellers Series by McGraw Hill, and coauthor of the textbook Dos mundos: Comunicaciï¿n y comunidad, also from McGraw Hill. He has published six novels, which include Vida mï¿a, Brand New Memory, and Diary of Fire; two books of literary criticism; and two poetry collections. One of his plays was produced off-Broadway, and his creative work has been featured in numerous anthologies and source books, including Herencia: The Anthology of Hispanic Literature of the United States, The Encyclopedia of American Literature, W.W. Nortons New Worlds of Literature, and The Scribner Writers Series: Latino and Latina Writers. He is currently at work on a sci-fi historical novel. Marï¿a Josï¿ Cabrera Puche received her BA from the Universidad de Murcia (Spain), her MA and MEd from West Virginia University, and her PhD in Second-Language Acquisition and Bilingualism from Rutgers University. Dr. Cabrera Puche is a Full Professor of Spanish at West Chester University of Pennsylvania (WCU), where she coordinates the lower-level Spanish program and the language-teaching certification program. At WCU, she also serves as the Assessment Coordinator in the Department of Languages and Cultures and as the Director of General Education Assessment for the university. She has completed ACTFL OPI and WPT tester training, and she serves as an ACTFL CAEP Reviewer. Dr. Cabrera Puche has taught at public schools, community colleges, and universities. She teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in Spanish, Spanish for Heritage Speakers, Spanish Linguistics, Bilingualism, and Foreign-Language Teaching Methodology. Dr. Cabrera Puche is co-editor of Romance Linguistics 2006: Selected papers from the 36th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (John Benjamins).