Histochemical and Cytochemical Methods of Visualization
Jean-Marie Exbrayat - Hardback
Jean-Marie Exbrayat, Ph.D., D.Sc., is a professor at Catholic University of Lyon (France) where he manages the Laboratory of General Biology. He is also directeur d’etudes (professor) at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, where he manages the Laboratory of Comparative Reproduction and Development. Dr. Exbrayat earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in 1974 and 1977, respectively, from Montpellier University (France). He earned his D. Sci. in 1986 from Paris 6 University. He teaches animal biology, histology and embryology, and history and philosophy of sciences. He was the head of the School of Histology for 25 years, and dean of the Faculty of Sciences (1997 until 2005). Dr. Exbrayat is a member of several scientific societies. He has published more than 300 papers and 12 books. His current major interests include the variations of genital tracts and endocrine organs during reproductive cycles related to external and internal factors, and embryonic development in both lower and higher vertebrates, as well as the history and philosophy of sciences, especially evolutionary biology.