Jean-Louis Prugnaud Editor

Jean-Louis Prugnaud is a pharmacist, former head of pharmacy department at Saint-Antoine Hospital, Paris, France. He is Member of the French Commission of drugs’ distribution authorization, President of the Commission of gene and cellular therapy and President of the pharmaceutical working group on biological and biothechnological drugs. Jean-Hugues Trouvin works at AFSSAPS (French health products safety agency) and at the pharmaceutical and biological sciences department at the Paris Descartes University in Paris, France. Preface: Christian K. Schneider is Chairman, CHMP of the Similar Biological (Biosimilar) Medicinal Products Working Party (BMWP), member of the European Medicines Agency( London, United Kingdom) and works at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Agency for Sera and Vaccines (Langen, Germany) and at the Centre for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research (Hannover, Germany).