Jean Délery Author

Bruno Chanetz is deputy director of the Fundamental and Experimental Aerodynamics department at ONERA Meudon, France. Since 2009 he has been associate professor at University Paris-Ouest. He is author of numerous publications on hypersonics and plasmas for aerodynamics.


Jean Délery is emeritus advisor at ONERA and chairman of the Aerodynamics Technical Committee of 3AF. He joined ONERA in 1964 where he took part in major French and European aerospace programs. He held teaching positions at University of Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, Sapienza University of Rome, SUPAERO and Ecole Polytechnique.


Patrick Gilliéron is aerodynamic engineer and has worked for more than 35 years on the analysis, understanding and control of flow separation. He was associate professor at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (CNAM). He founded and led the research group in "Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics" at the Research Department of Renault.


Patrick Gnemmi has been engineer for more than 35 years at the French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL), France, where he has carried out research in aeroacoustics of helicopter rotors, aerodynamics and aerothermodynamics of projectiles and missiles including their means of guidance.


Erwin R. Gowree is associate professor in applied aerodynamics at ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France. His research activities are focused mainly on experimental aerodynamics, stability and transition of flows, and bio-inspired aerodynamics.


Philippe Perrier has spent more than 40 years at the Dassault Aviation, Paris, France. He has been involved in the aerodynamic design of all of the Company's aircraft since the 1970s.