The Life of Giovanni Morelli in Risorgimento Italy
Jaynie Anderson - Hardback
Jaynie Anderson is professor emeritus at the University of Melbourne, where she was foundation director of the Australian Institute of Art History (2009–15) and Herald Chair of Fine Arts (1997–2014). She is a fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and past president of the Comité Internationale de l’Histoire de l’Art. In 2015 she was knighted by the president of the Republic of Italy as Ufficiale dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia. Educated at the University of Melbourne and Bryn Mawr College, she was the first woman Rhodes Fellow at the University of Oxford. Her recent books include Unconstrained Passions: The Architect’s House as Museum in the Italian Past and the Australian Present (2016) and The Invention of Melbourne: A Baroque Archbishop and a Gothic Architect (2017).