Social Science Research in India and the World
3 contributors - Paperback
R. K. Mishra is ONGC Subir Raha Chair Professor on corporate governance and Senior Professor and Director, Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), Hyderbad. With PhD from the University of Rajasthan and a visiting fellow at London Business School, UK, he studied for International Teachers programme at SDA Bocconi, Milan, Italy. He has been a management consultant to PWC, DFID, Adam Smith Institute, ADB and Centre for Good Governance. He has supervised more than 50 doctoral researches from several universities and his areas of interest include corporate governance, international management, technology management, PPP and corporate restructuring. Srinivas Kolluru is Post Graduate in Economics from Andhra University, Waltair and Summer Course in Economics at CERGE-EI, Charles University, Czech Republic. Currently, he serves as an assistant professor at Institute of Public Enterprise, Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad. He has published more than 20 research papers in national and international journals of repute. His areas of interest includes: applied economics with special reference to social and economic development, technology management and innovation, globalisation and public enterprises, issues in development economics and public policy. Jayasree Raveendran holds a Doctorate in Management from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, in the field of behavioural finance. As an assistant professor at the Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, she is involved in teaching, training, research and consultancy at the institute. She is also the coordinator of the research division of the institute and works on collaborative research projects on identified thrust areas of management research. She works on designing on performance management systems in public sector enterprises and is on the editorial board of the Indian Journal of Corporate Governance . She has presented papers in a number of international conferences and has a number of research publications in refereed journals to her credit.