Jayashree Aniruddha Madav Author

Jayashree Aniruddha Madav is an urban designer and Practicing Architect in Mumbai, India. She is currently an Assistant Professor, Dept. of Architecture, Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute of Architecture and Environmental Studies (KRVIA), Mumbai. She is also working as an Associate Director at Urban Design Research Institute (UDRI), Mumbai. She holds a Bachelor of Architecture and Master of Architecture (M.Arch) in Urban Design. She strongly believes that collaborative and participatory methods play a significant role in creating resilient and lively cities.

Srinivasan Chandrasekaran is currently a Professor with Higher Academic Grade in the Department of Ocean Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras and a Visiting Professor, Dept of Structural Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Italy. He holds the prestigious Fellowship conferred by Ministry of Italian University Research (MiUR Fellow). He commands a rich experience in teaching, research, and industrial consultancy of about 30 years. He is also a Visiting Professor, faculty of International Maritime Studies, Kasetsart University, Sri Racha campus, Thailand.

Sanjeev Singh is a full Professor in the Dept. of Architecture, SPA, Bhopal. He holds doctoral degree from National University, Singapore and Master of Environmental studies (by Research) from University of Melbourne, Australia with an Honors Grade. He is an active researcher and dedicated faculty, teaching architectural design, environmental planning and vernacular architecture. He authored many research articles in peer-reviewed international journals and presented his research works in many conferences organized by professional societies of Architecture and Planning groups in India and abroad.