Lead from the Core
Jay Steinfeld - Hardback
Jay Steinfeld founded and wasthe CEO of GlobalCustom Commerce,which operates theworld’s numberone online windowcovering retailerBlinds.com. Boot-strapped in 1996for just $3,000from his Bellaire, Texas, garage, Global CustomCommerce was acquired by The Home Depot in2014. Jay remained as its CEO and later joinedThe Home Depot Online Leadership Team. Afterstepping away from these roles in early 2020,he has increased his involvement on numerousprivate company boards and serves as a directorof the public company Masonite (NYSE: DOOR).He also teaches entrepreneurship at RiceUniversity’s Jones Graduate School of Businessand supports numerous charities. Jay is anErnst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year and hasearned a Lifetime Achievement Award fromthe Houston Technology Center. Active as anindustry speaker on topics including corporateculture, core values, how to scale a start-up, anddisruption, he has more than 100 publishedarticles. He also sings in the same barbershopquartet of which he’s been a part of for nearly50 years. He lives with his wife, Barbara, inHouston, Texas, and has five children and sevengrandchildren whom he proudly refers to as hisseven start-ups.