Posthumanist Nomadisms across non-Oedipal Spatiality
Walter D Mignolo - Paperback
Java Singh has a Ph.D. in Hispanic Literature from JNU, New Delhi, and also holds an MBA from IIM, Ahmedabad. She was awarded the Rafael Iruzubieta prize for being the top student in her MA (Spanish) class at JNU. She won the best paper award at the 2017 conference of the South Asian Literary Association in Philadelphia. Her short story was judged as the runner-up in a competition organized by Unisun Publications and was published in the anthology of selected stories titled Two is Company (2010). Her most recent book is Post-Humanist Nomadisms in Non-Oedipal Spatiality (2022), published by Vernon Press, USA. Another book “Gendered Ways of Transnational Un-belonging from a Comparative Literature Perspective” (2020) was published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK.