The Diversity Of Worldviews Among Young Adults
8 contributors - Hardback
Dr. Peter Nynäs is Professor of Comparative Religion at Åbo Akademi Uni., head of department, and the director of the CoER Young Adults and Religion in a Global Perspective (2015–18). He directed the preceding CoER Post-Secular Culture and a Changing Religious Landscape in Finland (2010–14) and several other projects funded by Academy of Finland the ÅAU Foundation and other sources. He is the co-editor of On the Outskirts of “the Church”: Diversities, Fluidities and New Spaces of Religion in Finland (with R. Illman and T. Martikainen, LIT-Verlag, 2015) and Religion, Gender and Sexuality in Everyday Life (with A. Yip, Ashgate 2012). His main research interests are religious change, psychology of religion, religion, sexuality and gender, religion and space, and methodology in the study of religion. He is also Honorary Research Fellow at Mary Seacole Research Centre, Faculty of Health & Life Sciences at De Montfort University (UK).
Ariela Keysar, Ph.D., is Senior Fellow at the Public Values and Law Program and was the Associate Director of the Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut. A demographer, she specializes in survey methodology. She is co-principal investigator, The Class of 1995/5755: The Longitudinal Study of Young American and Canadian Jews, 1995-2019; and U.S. principal investigator, Young Adults and Religion in a Global Perspective, YARG, 2015-2018. She was co-principal investigator of the Demographic Survey of American Jewish College Students 2014, the ARIS 2013 National College Student Survey, and the American Religious Identification Survey 2008.
Janne Kontala, PhD, worked as a researcher in Turku, Finland in the Department Study of Religions at Åbo Akademi University Centre of Excellence in Research: Young Adults and Religion in a Global Perspective Project (2015–2018). He specializes in the field of studies of secularism and is the author of Emerging Non-religious Worldview Prototypes: A Faith Q-sort-study on Finnish Group-affiliates (2016). He previously worked as a researcher in a project titled “Viewpoints to the world: Prototypes of worldview and their relation to motivational values in different social movements,” funded by the Academy of Finland (2011-2015)."
Dr. Paul Stenner is Professor of Social Psychology at the Open University where Co-Directs the Open Psychology Research Centre. He is known internationally as a major figure in the development of critical and theoretical psychology. He is one of Europe’s leading experts in Q methodology and qualitative methods. His work has a strong inter- and transdisciplinary focus engaging with social sciences, humanities and natural sciences.