The Routledge Companion to Museum Ethics
Janet Marstine - Paperback
Janet Marstine is Lecturer and Programme Director of Art Museum and Gallery Studies at the University of Leicester, UK. Her research focuses on museum ethics in theory and practice. She is editor of The Routledge Companion to Museum Ethics (2011). Alexander A. Bauer is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Queens College and The Graduate Center, CUNY, USA, and an Associate of the UCL Center for Museums, Heritage, and Material Culture Studies. He conducts archaeological fieldwork in Turkey, and since 2005 has been Editor of the International Journal of Cultural Property. Chelsea Haines is an independent writer and curator based in Brooklyn, New York, USA. She is currently the Education & Public Programs Manager at Independent Curators International and Associate Editor of The Exhibitionist, a new journal devoted to exhibition-making.