Janet Gurney Author

Phoebe Caldwell (biologist) writes about engagement with autistic adults and children who have severe sensory process issues. Elspeth Bradley (psychiatrist) considers the neurobiological underpinnings of emotional and mental health issues, including meltdowns and shutdowns. Janet Gurney (manager of a service for people with severe and profound learning disabilities) focuses mainly on Intensive Interaction. Hope Lightowler (expert by experience) writes about the problems of being on the receiving end of service provision when your sensory difficulties go unrecognised. Kate Richardson (speech and language therapist) shares insights gained from providing a Responsive Communication service to autistic children and young people and their families. Finally, Jemma Swales (autism practitioner) focuses on her experience of working with people who are able to describe the distressing, traumatic events that arise from the clash between their autistic experience and the demands of society.