Janet Groen Editor

Janet Groen is an associate professor in adult learning in the Faculty of Education at the University of Calgary. Her research focus on spirituality began with her doctoral dissertation, The Experiences and Practices of Adult Educators of Their Workplaces. She has published articles in the Journal of Transformative Education, The Canadian Journal for Studies in Adult Education, and Teaching in Higher Education.

Diana Coholic is an associate professor at Laurentian University. Her current research program investigates the effectiveness of holistic arts-based group methods for the improvement of resilience. She is the author of Arts Activities for Children and Young People in Need: Helping Children to Develop Mindfulness, Spiritual Awareness and Self-Esteem (2010)

John R. Graham is Murray Fraser Professor of Community Economic Development, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary. He is the author, with A. Al-Krenawi, of Helping Professional Practice with Indigenous Peoples: The Bedouin-Arab Case (2009) and editor, with J. Coates and B. Schwartzentruber, of Canadian Social Work and Spirituality: Current Readings and Approaches (2007).