Basics of Developmentally Appropriate Practice
3 authors - Paperback
Holly Elissa Bruno, MA, JD, is an author, attorney, professor, acclaimed keynote speaker, and host of an online radio program.
Janet Gonzalez-Mena/strong>, MA, is a highly respected early childhood consultant, trainer, infant specialist, diversity specialist, and writer. She taught in the California community college system for more than thirty years and is currently part of the faculty for WestEd’s Program for Infant Toddler Care (PITC) and Beginning Together, a training program for adults working with children with special needs.
Luis A. Hernandez, MA, T/TAS Early Childhood Education Specialist, is an active member of many professional organizations that support children and family interests.
Debra R. Sullivan, EdD, is the cofounder and president of Praxis Institute for Early Childhood Education.