3 authors - Paperback
Timothy Darvill is Professor of Archaeology in the School of Conservation Sciences at Bournemouth University. The author of over a dozen books, including Prehistoric Britain (Routledge, 1998) and Prehistoric Britain from the Air (CUP, 1996), he has served as Chairman of the Institute of Field Archaeologists and a Member of the Council of the National Trust. Jane Timby is a freelance arcaheological consultant specializing in later prehistoric, Roman, and Saxon pottery. She has published numerous articles and specialist studies and was the author of The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Empingham II, Rutland (Oxbow Books, 1996) and Excavations at Kingscote and Wycomb, Gloucestershire (Cotswold Archaeological Trust, 1998). Paul Stamper is an Inspector of Ancient Monuments for English Heritage, working in the west midlands. Formerly he was involved with the compilation of the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens in England. Before 1993 he was an editor with the Victoria County History of Shropshire. He has published widely on landscape history, and has served as Secretary of the Society for Medieval Archaeology.