Jan Winczorek Editor & Author

Adriana Mica is Assistant Professor at the University of Gdańsk. Her publications include studies of scandals in communist and early post-communist Romania, dog population management in Romania and Moldavia, and diffusion of innovations in this domain. Her research interests have recently focused on the topic of embeddedness and diffusion types of energy-saving innovations.
Arkadiusz Peisert is Assistant Professor at the University of Gdańsk and the Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk. He is the chairperson of the Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Sociological Association, a collaborator of the Institute of Public Affairs, and a member of European Sociological Association’s Research Network 20. His fields of interest include civil society, innovations in democracy, public policy, evaluation studies, social history, and qualitative research methods.
Jan Winczorek is Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw. He has a vivid interest in many aspects of sociology of law and theoretical sociology. He is the author of the first full-length monograph of systems theory in Polish language and a number of other publications.