Jan Paul Franx Editor

Danny Busch is full Professor (Chair) of Financial Law and the founding Director of the Institute for Financial Law, at Radboud University Nijmegen. He is a Research Fellow of Harris Manchester College and a Fellow of the Commercial Law Centre, University of Oxford. He sits on the Editorial Board of the Capital Markets Law Journal. Guido Ferrarini is Emeritus Professor of Business Law and Capital Markets Law at the University of Genoa, Department of Law, and Director of the Centre for Law and Finance. He also is Visiting Professor at Radboud University Nijmegen He holds a J.D. (University of Genoa, 1972), an LL.M. (Yale Law School, 1978), and a Dr.jur. (h.c., Ghent University, 2009). Jan Paul Franx is Professor of Securities Law at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands and attorney/ partner and co- founder of FG Lawyers, a boutique law firm specializing in corporate law and (alternative) finance based in Amsterdam.