The Music of the Netherlands Antilles
Jan Brokken - Hardback
Jan Brokken is a writer of fiction, travel, and literary nonfiction. He gained international fame with The Rainbird, The Blind Passengers, My Little Madness, Baltic Souls, In the House of the Poet, The Reprisal, and The Cossack Garden, and his books have been translated into ten languages. The Just is his latest book. David McKay is an award-winning literary translator who lives in The Hague. His recent translations include The Convert by Stefan Hertmans, a novel about a young Norman woman who converts to Judaism at the time of the First Crusade, and the classic political novel Max Havelaar about Dutch misrule in the East Indies, a joint translation with Ina Rilke that was shortlisted for the Oxford Weidenfeld Prize. For more information, see www.openbooktranslation.com