How and Why Books Matter
James Watts - Hardback
James Watts is an experienced enterprise PHP architect, with a long track record in open source development. He is a core member of CakePHP and also handles community efforts, such as organizing CakeFest, the annual conference dedicated to the framework. He has also authored various technical specifications such as the Extended Hypertext Transfer Protocol (XHTTP) and the Documentation Markup Language (DocML). Professionally, he is the acting director of the Cake Development Corporation (CakeDC), the commercial entity behind the framework, where he works alongside Larry Masters, the founder of CakePHP. Jorge Gonzalez has a degree in Computer Science and Engineering as well as extensive experience in different positions from development to consulting and management, allowing him to quickly understand problems and provide effective solutions. He started using CakePHP many years ago and has never looked back since, applying the framework to several projects and domains, specifically, the hospitality and tourism sector, where he has worked for over 8 years before joining the Cake Development Corporation (CakeDC). He also runs the official CakePHP standard training course for the Cake Software Foundation and the basic workshop at CakeFest since 2013.