James Rocha Author & Editor

James Rocha is an assistant professor of philosophy at California's Fresno State. He has published on ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of law, and pop culture, including articles on Firefly, The Wire, Psych, Arrested Development, and Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Mona Rocha is an instructor of classics and history at Fresno State. She has published on women's history, feminist theory, and pop culture, including articles on Buffy, Sherlock Holmes, Dungeons & Dragons, and Veronica Mars.

Sherry Ginn is a retired educator currently living in North Carolina. She has authored books examining female characters on science fiction television series as well as the multiple television worlds of Joss Whedon. Edited collections have examined sex in science fiction, time travel, the apocalypse, and the award-winning series Farscape, Doctor Who, and Fringe.