James R Jelmberg Editor

The Editors: Michael D. Andrew is the visionary founder and longtime director of the five-year teacher education program at UNH. This undergraduate-graduate program began in 1974, ten years before the Carnegie Institute, the Holmes Group, and other national reports recommended that teacher education be moved to the graduate level. Andrew is the 2009 recipient of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education’s David Imig Award for Distinguished Achievement in Teacher Education, which recognizes distinguished achievement in the field of policy or research in education.
James R. Jelmberg is an intern supervisor in the five-year teacher education program at UNH. He has been a consultant in middle school education for colleges in New Hampshire and schools in South Africa. Jelmberg is the co-editor of The Outdoor Classroom: Integrating Education and Adventure (2007), a textbook for curriculum and outdoor education courses. His research publications include such topics as college-based teacher education programs versus state-sponsored alternative certification programs, and comparing student perceptions of instruction in teacher education and other college courses.