Chili Crisp
James Park - Hardback
Stephen M. Bainbridge is William D. Warren Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law. His most recent books include: Business Associations: Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, and Corporations (9th edition, 2015, with Klein and Ramseyer); Corporate Governance after the Financial Crisis (2012); Mergers and Acquisitions (3rd edition, 2012); and The New Corporate Governance in Theory and Practice (2008). Iman Anabtawi is Professor of Law at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law. Her article, 'Fiduciary Duties for Activist Shareholders' (with Lynn Stout, 2008), was selected as one of the Top 10 Corporate and Securities Articles of 2008 by The Corporate Practice Commentator. Sung Hui Kim is Professor of Law at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law. Her scholarship has appeared in Capital Markets Law Journal, Cornell Law Review, UCLA Law Review, and Securities Law Review. James Park is a Professor of Law at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law. His articles have appeared in the California Law Review, Duke Law Journal, the Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Michigan Law Review, and the UCLA Law Review.