Busking the Gospel
James M M Francis - Paperback
Power-Knowledge in Tabari’s «Histoire» of Islam
2 authors - Paperback
Challenging the Stereotype
Glenn Chestnutt - Paperback
Dancing to the Post-Modern Tune
Tobias Okoro - Paperback
Christ and Creation
Noel O'Sullivan, Reverend - Paperback
The Divine Body in History
Ankur Barua - Paperback
Adults as Children
The Mystic Way in Postmodernity
Sue Yore - Paperback
The Reality of Biblical Theology
Mark W Elliott - Paperback
Telling Hands and Teaching Feet
Carole Ferch-Johnson - Paperback
Religious Discourse, Social Cohesion and Conflict
Frans Wijsen - Paperback
Human Experience and the Triune God
Bernhard Nausner - Paperback
Women and Fundamentalism in Islam and Catholicism
Patricia Madigan - Paperback
The Unknown God
Thomas G Grenham - Paperback